2.3.2 Core Technologies
1. Socket.io
• Simplifies the management of persistent connections, channel/room logic, and event-based messages.
• Reliable fallback from WebSockets to other protocols if necessary.
2. WebRTC
• Enables low-latency voice/video chat between users.
• Relies on a signaling process (typically via Socket.io) for NAT traversal, ICE candidate exchange, and session initiation.
3. Redis (Optional Enhancement)
• Pub/Sub: Coordinates state or message broadcasting across multiple Node.js instances (horizontal scaling).
• Caching: Stores ephemeral chat data or presence info.
4. Load Balancer (AWS ALB or NGINX)
• Distributes incoming WebSocket connections across multiple Socket.io instances, typically requiring sticky sessions or a Redis adapter so all instances can share connection state.
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